Sunday, January 30, 2011

You should view my new blog  "Story time with the-happy-cheese-guy"

We have stories about Unicorns

Sunday, January 9, 2011

fruit snacks and quantum phyics

It is common knowledge that fruits snacks are amazing and anyone who doesn't like them is a nazi.  But not many now a fays are aware that fruit snacks are actually leftovers from the big bang.  This is the story of their creation

It was long long ago at the very center of what is today our universe.
 The mushroom people of Zabilplix were a peaceful happy and prosperous village, until
one mid-summers day (everyday was a mid-summers day) a shadow fell upon the land.  The kind mush-folk had not a clue as to the hell that would befall their planet over the next thousand years.....
            The evil fruit dwarfs that lived in their death powered space stations in dark space had come to capture the kind mushlings and mushelders to keep their palaces running for another thousand year.  But there was one brave man nigh one brave shroom who knew what needed to be done.  His name Chuck Shroomees the most bad @$$ mushroom that ever lived.
           Chuck organized the Mush-folk into a Mush-Army that launched a long bloody war against the fruit dwarfs..........  Millions of good shrooms were lost by the thousandth year of the war when suddenly the dwarfs were gone and Chuck turned to his scientists to explain where they went  after running many tests the scientist discovered that the dwarfs had never been there that the mush-people were simple experiencing the effects of LSD that is naturally produced by the shrooms bodies.  Upon hearing this Chuck went to war with the minds of his people and eventually destroyed the planet and some who causing everyone to turn into fruit snacks and caused the big bang honestly that part is pretty murky..........But yeah FRUIT SNACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Weeell shiz

I'm writing a speach on caffiene use/abuse so I guess its fitting that I require caffiene to do it hahahahahah.........sob

Friday, November 19, 2010

Smash Smash SMASH MUST SMASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

I didn't sleep last night......I feel like I always that bad?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I hate having to  motivate myself........I hate needing to motivate myself to get anything done.  I have to need to pump myself up to get anything done.  I'll sit there and in my head I'll be like "Math math gonna get up and do my math math math......sleep sleep sleep...."  It sucks so much.  I get so behind on stuff that I have to just power through it at the last moment which almost never works out well.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

There once was a man who played in the street.
He jumped and he rolled to avoid the oncoming traffic
He did so successfully till one day in mid June when a.....jerk who drove a hummer came speeding his way
Going fifty in a thirty-five zone he speed along while watching Madagascar with his on-board tv
The driver (who most likely had a goatee) didn't care to see the the rode because he was driving a modified tank which he know no less then a small ICBM would stop
So as he hurried to get to where ever he was going (to hang out in front of a Caseys(because hummers use massive amounts of fuel and his kind just do that)) he didn't notice the little man in the street who when the police found had been squished down of the size of a red M&M