Thursday, August 26, 2010

Today and the day after.

I'll have completed my first week of school the day after tomorrow.  I am very happy about this achievement despite the fact that as of yet done no more then seven real sheets of homework and the next  week will be littered with work as well as the shattered remains of those who haven't the mental fortitude to continue. Though I am saddened by my soon to be lost  comrades I fret not for those that survive shall know of the hardship that might befall them if they chose to forsake this the favored path of education for the illustrious path of popularity that can do as much for you in life as a whore-house can for a sex addict.  And now for something completely different.  I'm a fan of Donkey Kong cause he's the leader of the apes and he does no wrong and I love Mario cause he's Mario (and his got mad barrel jumping skills) I bring this up because Ive recently unlocked all of the maps and characters on Super Smash Brothers Brawl and my brain goop is starting to ache so that's all for today. Sooo loong children!


  1. Yeah man I have completed my first week of school also. Good work but i guarantee the rest of the year is going to suck so good luck.

  2. Brain goop? I don't think that's healthy... Might want to have that looked at...

  3. Ah, Freshman.. And a Sham-Wow! should help with that brain goop. Just sayin'.
