Friday, August 27, 2010

I've been thinking about politics.........again.

Yesterday I was thinking (shocker I know) about this "Isn't the definition of a terrorist someone who spreads fear to make a profit idealistically or materially?  Isn't all Fox News does is spread fear  to make money?"  Yes. Yes it is.  The people who pride themselves on wanting whats best for America A.K.A. wanting to be in control and make everyone be like them (corporate zombies).  And this whole deal with the mosque near the site of the Twin Towers all of the arguments Ive heard for and against it only take what the Taliban's going to think about this into account.  I agree with what John Stewart said about that last night and pardon the language "Who gives a s@#t what the Taliban think!" that may not have been his exact word but they're close enough to show  what was meant!  What are we junior high girls who can't help but only care about what everyone else thinks I mean oyg did you see that turban Osama had on I that last video it was like so last yeear anyway!!


  1. i think it's funny how much fuss is being made against it. muslims in america should be afraid of churches around arab parts of the country. they're more likely to hurt someone. the islamaphobia in this country is out of control and, frankly, ridiculous.

  2. brilliance, wyatt! I totally saw that episode of the daily show. It makes me sick when I think about the existence of Fox News (oh, and the oil spill). Sometimes my brain can't handle it. Good stuff! -Ms. Fultz

  3. i totally agree with you (by the way fox news STINKS!!)
