Friday, September 10, 2010

IM so tireeeeeeddd

Im so tired a i dont even want to use the backspace key I wont.   Today was soooooooo boreing that my mind is just like"get it over with you nimrod " and Im all like "I am but its gonna take a while !'" and its all like "you best hurrry up fool or imma make you fall asleep on theis computer '!" an d   Im like "woooh I could be electricuted man" and its like "well then hurry up fool"  and im say " ok geez mind your a jerk an d Im "   "OOOOHHHH no you didn't just call me a jerk Im gonna make you hit dale and Im like swwhoooosh and I I hit dale !!!""


  1. I'm so boreeeeeeeeddd!! I want it to be the weekend already!!...but i'm not bored to the point of talking to myself....

  2. Hahahahahahah. Hooray for no backspace key! :)

  3. How would falling asleep on a computer cause you to be electrocuted?


  4. i hate the week im ready for the weekend im bored when it comes to school. I want the weekend to come faster.

  5. I'd get electrocuted cause I'd drool on the keyboard.....duh
