Monday, December 6, 2010

Weeell shiz

I'm writing a speach on caffiene use/abuse so I guess its fitting that I require caffiene to do it hahahahahah.........sob

Friday, November 19, 2010

Smash Smash SMASH MUST SMASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

I didn't sleep last night......I feel like I always that bad?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I hate having to  motivate myself........I hate needing to motivate myself to get anything done.  I have to need to pump myself up to get anything done.  I'll sit there and in my head I'll be like "Math math gonna get up and do my math math math......sleep sleep sleep...."  It sucks so much.  I get so behind on stuff that I have to just power through it at the last moment which almost never works out well.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

There once was a man who played in the street.
He jumped and he rolled to avoid the oncoming traffic
He did so successfully till one day in mid June when a.....jerk who drove a hummer came speeding his way
Going fifty in a thirty-five zone he speed along while watching Madagascar with his on-board tv
The driver (who most likely had a goatee) didn't care to see the the rode because he was driving a modified tank which he know no less then a small ICBM would stop
So as he hurried to get to where ever he was going (to hang out in front of a Caseys(because hummers use massive amounts of fuel and his kind just do that)) he didn't notice the little man in the street who when the police found had been squished down of the size of a red M&M

Sunday, October 17, 2010

For the last four hours I've been reading internet comics and I just realised this comic is 1200 pages long so I may finish tonight.........with some luck.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

After school

So today after school I'm gonna ride a four eyed flying giraffe home after word I'm launching into space on Stephen Colbert's back where I'll battle against the flying paste monster who has enslaved the people of Pluto.  Pluto will then be reinstated as a planet by Galactic Overlord Zenu, and my battle with the Nub-Nubs will finally come to a close with the Treaty of Snorlacs

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ummmm Phil

Phil has always seen angel on one shoulder and a demon on the other.  Now you may think "That's not that bad he has a conscious." Well that's not the case most of the time the little monsters give him advice but their advice doesn't often fit their character.  For example one time Phil was walking down the street where we saw a baby then the angel popped up and told him to stomp on the baby Phil refused to do it so the angel picked up the babies stroller then through it into oncoming traffic the mother, who had turned for just a second saw her baby in the street, screamed and jumped after it and landed in the road.  The demon at that moment popped up and moved the baby off the road onto the sidewalk this deed could not be recognized by the mother as a semi-truck, horn blaring rolled right over her thin body.  Things like that were a regular occurrence in Phil's life he was legally schizophrenic but every time he got locked up in an asylum or prison he escaped mysteriously and whenever the police shot at him the bullets just seem to miss.  You see Phil is telepathic, but Phil's fragile mind can't comprehend what this power he possesses means, so his mind constructed these two little avatars (the angel and demon) that control his powers.  You see when ever they flip a switch it's actually him doing it with his mind........unfortunately Phil has no sense of right and wrong so the angel and demon just do what ever his mind can dream up.  Please note this just makes him that much crazier and causes the authorities to hunt him mercilessly.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Everything's a rush of awesomeness

Who else is ready for a zombie Apocalypse?  Only me?  That's cool.....

Im gonna post like two million tiny posts.

View title.

Soooo yesterday.............

I downloaded every Gorillaz song every........and did math.

One time.....

One time me Brandon and Dale dug a tunnel to China which was seized by the Peoples Republic of China.  But the joke was on them the tunnels melted because we'd dug them through the Earths core!  And we were safely on our way home strapped to ICBM's.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The adventures of jim.

So I'm making an old-school game similar to the old final this game the protagonist is Jim. Jim (who you play as) wakes up in a crazy world where only he can solve a conflict between two rival factions.  Jim loses interest in the world early in the game and stats pointing out all of its flaws (such as battle sequence length and miss placed tiles) which eventually leads to him going completely crazy and causing him to murder his team in the game.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mentally Incompetent

      Sometimes I feel as though the universe is trying to choke itself out because if you think about it for all we know only our star is still light and all of the ones in the night sky are dead.  And even if their not dead their moving several thousand light years away from us everyday!  So they obviously don't want anything to do with each other and the further out into the vacuum they go the less heat one star shares with another therefore the more heat that's displaced in the vacuum.  And I wander what happens if the vacuum is filled?  Will everything just fall together,.....OYG I just figured out the universe,.....then there will be a second Big Bang and everything will happen again exactly like it's happening now.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I am psychologically addicted to pop.

I fear I may be psychologically addicted to pop this is why I've stopped drinking pop and I am thus FREAKING THE JUNK OUT!!!!!!!  I've learned recently that they give high fructose corn syrup to shrimp to make them huge, you know those giant butterfly shrimp that what they feed them.  What do these things have to do with each other you may ask well high fructose corn syrup is the main ingredient in soda pop and that's why it's so addictive!! A mouse given a choice between high fructose corn syrup and solid food will drink the corn syrup and die or swell up till it can't move then dies!!!!! Just like Americans.

Friday, September 10, 2010

nana nana boo boo stick your head in doo doo

IM so tireeeeeeddd

Im so tired a i dont even want to use the backspace key I wont.   Today was soooooooo boreing that my mind is just like"get it over with you nimrod " and Im all like "I am but its gonna take a while !'" and its all like "you best hurrry up fool or imma make you fall asleep on theis computer '!" an d   Im like "woooh I could be electricuted man" and its like "well then hurry up fool"  and im say " ok geez mind your a jerk an d Im "   "OOOOHHHH no you didn't just call me a jerk Im gonna make you hit dale and Im like swwhoooosh and I I hit dale !!!""

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Sun In A Jar.........

We put the sun in a jar and what did we do with that jar?  We broke it all over our little world.........The Atomic Bomb the greatest tragedy of all time a device that harnesses the very waters of creation to destroy.....Einstein would cry and if I'm not mistaking he did.  From the first detonation the scientists on the project realized that they'd changed the the worst possible way.  At this juncture in time we have enough nukes to destroy the earth a hundred times disgusts my......just so you know.

Top Chef: Zombie Apocalypse!!!

It came to me in a dream I'm going to create a television show similar to Top Chef except the contestants have to fight for food in a city ravaged by the undead.  Once a week the chefs must leave their isolated compound to search for food and a way to prepare it to satisfy the judges there will be everything from braised leg of lamb to boiled heart of  zombie soup instead of QuickFires we'll have QuickShots the one who drops the most zombies in 10 minutes and the winner gets a riot shield a shotgun and a spice of their choice to bring with them on their next challenge.  It's gonna be cordon blue.......with a fine red mist!!!>:-D  And yes I am making this show if you wanna help then send me some zombies.....they're in short supply lately.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I've been thinking about politics.........again.

Yesterday I was thinking (shocker I know) about this "Isn't the definition of a terrorist someone who spreads fear to make a profit idealistically or materially?  Isn't all Fox News does is spread fear  to make money?"  Yes. Yes it is.  The people who pride themselves on wanting whats best for America A.K.A. wanting to be in control and make everyone be like them (corporate zombies).  And this whole deal with the mosque near the site of the Twin Towers all of the arguments Ive heard for and against it only take what the Taliban's going to think about this into account.  I agree with what John Stewart said about that last night and pardon the language "Who gives a s@#t what the Taliban think!" that may not have been his exact word but they're close enough to show  what was meant!  What are we junior high girls who can't help but only care about what everyone else thinks I mean oyg did you see that turban Osama had on I that last video it was like so last yeear anyway!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Today and the day after.

I'll have completed my first week of school the day after tomorrow.  I am very happy about this achievement despite the fact that as of yet done no more then seven real sheets of homework and the next  week will be littered with work as well as the shattered remains of those who haven't the mental fortitude to continue. Though I am saddened by my soon to be lost  comrades I fret not for those that survive shall know of the hardship that might befall them if they chose to forsake this the favored path of education for the illustrious path of popularity that can do as much for you in life as a whore-house can for a sex addict.  And now for something completely different.  I'm a fan of Donkey Kong cause he's the leader of the apes and he does no wrong and I love Mario cause he's Mario (and his got mad barrel jumping skills) I bring this up because Ive recently unlocked all of the maps and characters on Super Smash Brothers Brawl and my brain goop is starting to ache so that's all for today. Sooo loong children!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hi World!!

Hello world and all who inhabit it my name isn't Phil but it is Wyatt!